The smartest one alive

My eyes were on the ceiling staring down at me

They never told me this is so,oh chemotherapy.

I stared at them, they stared at me,whatever could I do?

I could not say a single word,. I had not got a clue.

So I WhatsApped my sister,she was not surprised.

When it all comes down to it, we’re glad that you’re alive

With one eye on the ceiling and one eye on the floor

How am I expected to walk right through the door?

They tell me once they tell me twice they tell me 50 times

When you write some poetry please don’t use no rhymes.

Then we had a spelling test and I failed all the words

But I was good as algebra and calculating surds

The whole thing is confusing when the eyes come  out the head

You better put them straight back in, remember what Dad said

And if you need some spectacles then you must have a face

I wrote on the ceiling, you’d better watch this space

I told a lie I told some more then I told 25

You must believe me when I say I’m the smartest poet alive.

I know my 10 times tables I know the spelling best

I hope that when I pass by you, that I will pass the test

I welcome comments and criticism

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