You don’t want to know about my bowels

I have been in this hospital for two days and I’ve been diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis amongst other things and because of that I cannot walk I cannot stand up until I have some treatment and in addition to that I have not got a bed in a ward.I am in the corridor on a trolley and I’ve been in a side room on a trolley and now I’m in a large room which is not really meant for patients as far as I can see because there’s a kind of desk with someone behind it and a large number of people just came in and stood there waiting to I deciding or sign out and I want to see people like myself we’ve been put in here because there’s no bed for them in the ward. And of course more privacy and more assistance

I informed one of the staff that I cannot get my bowels to empty. She asked me if I would like a bed pan

There are no curtains around my bed so I’m in public view with A skimpy cotton blanket over here would you like to move your bowels or use a bedpan in front of a room full of people you might say oh they were taking no notice of you but what does that do to me if I’m so insignificant because I can move my bowels in front of 15 people and they wo I would say it’s degrading being fitted like thisn’t even look at me we should one way is a really easy for some other hand it makes me like a cat or a dog that I can just do it anywhere admitedly I’m wearing a nappy but … It will be pretty obvious what was happening. Although it’s not happening in reality. and 

Am I meant to lie here all night with an aching belly?

The lights are not turned out at night they’re not turned down and attending moment you may be summoned to have an x-ray so that they have to make full use of all the machines and technologies 24 hours a day.

Human qualities like kindness touch gentleness care rest and sleep are not valued at all and if you can’t rest or sleep etc it’s just your own fault

It is degrading to be treated like this and eventually I became so distressed and confused by the steroids the time on is to ring the hospital switchboard and spoke to someone and I’ve been moved to the acute medical unit which is really good. I might even get washed soon.After 3 days…

Maybe I might get to clean my teeth one day.

I only had about four hours sleep in two nights and I am very tired now.

I think after the first few hours in A&E it becomes a trauma because I had nothing to eat on Monday and nothing to eat on Tuesday and only some water which I had to get by shouting for help . I was not giving water automatically because they kept moving me to different parts of the corridor or into a different room then they would check me for an ECG about 11 o’clock in the evening and bring me back to the corridor again this idea estimate full use of the machines but this means the person is completely ignored the body exists in time and spouse and it needs a third of the time to be asleep and resting and if you don’t have that you’re no longer living in your body you can get from a thighs so that you separate

Words and words and words

What’s the difference between apathy and empathy?

Does anything rhyme with


What is diligent indolence?

What’s the difference between sympathy and infamy?

What’s the difference between daydreaming and fantasy

Apparently daydreaming is no good for you unless you do it without ego … Then it is very good for you. But don’t do it while you’re on the underground or on tkan escalator

Apparently peaceful often confuse the word loss and the word lost so they will write

I am sorry for your lost but that’s alright as long as long as they did put I’m sorry for your loft . And I hope they do not put I’m sorry that I laughed

What are trombolances?

And is it a good idea to mention your deepest symphonies to someone who’s been bereaved? Or even if they’re being deceived or believed be careful what you say because words do hurt just as much as stones.

. Do you know that people were schizoid) personality disorder from survive better in concentration camps. That shows you what it’s like being a family in some parts of our society that it’s nearly as bad in certain respects as being treated very truly and badly by the Nazis

The only good thing I could say about the Nazis is that it was alright to hate them. Because there’s no doubt about their wickedness

Why does the Bible say

Judgement is mine says the lord and this judgment spell correctly because it’s done it two different ways in one sentence and I’m not sure what’s the right one of those two so if you know actually could write a comment. It will really nice to get a comment so thank you in anticipation