Reverie is feared

So much depends on mood and time of day

We interpret or mis-shape what we perceive.

The sun may shine to show a better way

Or absent that,  a transient cloud deceive.


No lowing herds wind down our oil fumed  roads.

Tranquillity at dusk has disappeared.

With artificial light the daytime mode’s

 Prolonged and reverie’s  feared.


To truly live we must be incarnate.

God himself  has paid this price alone.

For time misspent we do not get rebate.

As ,like the leaves in wind, away we’re blown.


To live  aright perception must be clear

Including in its breadth all that we fear.

Simply pathological

I had a sudden episode of optimistic kleptomania

I collected jokes and cigar butts and sent them to Australia.

The Customs Office  phoned me to ask what I was playing at

I said I only sent them to create a brand new habitat.

These episodes annoy me as I’m usually tautological

I  believe  using my credit cards is  simply  pathological.

Instead I make them into unique little table mats

But now I’ve reached my limit with a thousand plastic cards and men

And so I’m going overseas  to study Buddhism along with Zen.


Episode is Greek of course

From the Oxford Dictionary


Line breaks: epi|sode

Pronunciation: /ˈɛpɪsəʊd/

Definition of episode in English:


1An event or a group of events occurring as part of a sequence; an incident or period considered in isolation:the whole episode has been a major embarrassment

1.1A finite period in which someone is affected by a specified illness:acute psychotic episodes

2Each of the separate instalments into which a serialized story or radio or television programme is divided:the final episode of the series

2.1Music A passage containing distinct material or introducing a new subject:this change is followed by an episode in this new key

2.2A section between two choric songs in Greek tragedy.


Late 17th century (denoting a section between songs in Greek tragedy): from Greek epeisodion, neuter of epeisodios ‘coming in besides’, from epi ‘in addition’ + eisodos ‘entry’ (from eis ‘into’ +hodos ‘way’).

Definition of episode in:

Dirac’s cats


I dreamed I rowed in a large pea green boat
Accompanied by seventeen cats.
And across the Great Lake,without a mistake
I saw mountains of gentleman’s hats.
I was making no waves in my effort to move,
The cats were discoursing on geometry.
I looked in the mirror fixed onto my boat,
The moon spoke  entrancing Theology.
“I wonder who’ll help me”I thought to myself,
When I saw an entire spectrum of men–
Dirac, Archimedes,Niels Bohr, with their theories.
I got my great inspiration just then.
I need seventeen physicists,that’s one for each cat,
All tied to my boat with a chain.
The force they exert will just compensate
For the magnetic attraction of rain.
Paul Dirac came up, and I looked into his eyes,
They were full of anxiety and pain.
“I am sorry I am unable do what you wish,
But my father never taught me to swim.”
“That is perfectly alright”,I politely replied,
“You can walk on the water instead”
So that’s how my boat and its cargo of cats
Were accompanied back to my bed.
When I awoke the next day,I was filled with dismay.
I saw that Paul Dirac was gone,
With the cats and the boat,of which I just wrote
And I was now completely alone.
I took a quick look,in my old physics book
And there was a photo of Dirac
I stared at his eyes,and I am not telling lies,
He threw me a very strange look.
I caught this strange look,it’s here in my book.
I am saving it for a special event.
When I gather more Data on Relative Quanta,
I’ll understand just what Dirac meant.
