With love and pain

Love and grief have wet my eyes again.

You  abandoned me for the rest I feel alone

Tears run down my cheeks like kind,cold rain

In my heart I feel the bite of pain

I feel it in my flesh and in my bones

Love and  grief have wet my eyes again

My heart is burning in hell’s fiery flames

The torment is alive, your love was home

Tears  run down my cheeks like summer rain

Yet there is no Island, all  is Main.

Would this little heart but turn to stone.

Love and  grief have filled my eyes again

I hide myself, rejection feels like shame

Can  hellfire  drymend what heaven broke?

My tears have formed a sheet of living rain

Every being needs a fitting home.

Yet those we love are only here on loan

Thus love and grief will wet our eyes again

Tears run down my cheeks like love,like rain

I welcome comments and criticism

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