Come along we need a psychoanalyst now

Please accept our deepest infamy for your loss

Please be aware of our deepest symphony when we hear pure sad news.

I am sorry your sister is enjoying eternal mess. I pray it will be soon be over.

I couldn’t wait to write to you when I heard your sister lied. I hope she makes a good recovery when she gets to heaven if you guess what  I scream. I only wish I was  illiterate I  know you both went to Oxford. What for?

I hope your mourning goes well. Sending our enmity and love.

When you said your sister died I wondered if you were on the spectrum. But we don’t have a chemistry lab over here.

What did you say was the spectrum of the Durac operator. Did this affect your sister’s health and ultimately her life? I know you were worried about nuclear plumbers at Oxford. We lost contact so I never got to have that explosion that we were all waiting for in 1969

I’m really sorry to hear that your sister has died again. Will it needs to get to the bottom of this before it becomes an infinite repairing decibel. I know I’ve always preferred fractions myself but not everybody is as rational as I am.

I really don’t know what I’m talking about but I am very sad on your behalf because you’ve had too many deaths in your life so far so I hope that you will have no more for the rest of eternity or should that be we will have arrested eternity?

More likely it was a rest in eternity.

William Blake could see eternity in a grain of sand

Or in the brains of blondes

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