Forgive me for my errors and my rhymes

In the raw pain of this grief  I dwell.

Is this the woe of heaven, the joy of hell?

The sun may shine, yet I am cold and still

Oh God relieve me, take me when you will

I loved my sister more than I had known

Now she’s gone and my heart is a stone

As if I rose one day to find no sun.

The darkness of the heart has just begun.

I breathe I eat, I lie down in my bed.

If I should stop what should I do instead?

Without that strength beside me I feel weak.

I look about and all the world seems bleak.

The joy I saw in every little thing

This joy has gone, and what have I to bring?

I gaze out through my eyes the world is here

Can my response be rucher than a tear?

Thirty tears of silver would I give

To cheat your death and buy your right to live

I am your Judas I betrayed your love

Forgive me for my sin, below above.

I cannot dwell in heaven now you are dead

Nor can I go to hell to burn instead

In purgatory will I dwell in time

Forgive me for my errors and my rhymes

I welcome comments and criticism

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