Good grief

Died while waiting for a wheelchair in the North Middlesex Prison Hospital

You have to wait for an hour for a wheelchair to take you from the entrance to the clinic and then when you finish in the clinic you have to wait to take you back to the door

The wheelchair department has been outsourced to a private company.

Which people are most likely to need wheelchairs?

The elderly

The disabled

Your health does not depend just on your lifestyle and what you do to help yourself it depends on how you are treated by society; without a younger man being with me I would not have been able to access my treatment today.

It certainly makes me less keen to go to the hospital in the future especially as I’ve not recovered from the trauma of my last imprisonment. But that fear of the hospital is bad for me and is it my fault? is it m fault I haf to wait for 36 hours in the corridor on a trolley in April?

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