The pathos in your eyes

You revealed the face within your face
Human, lowly, humbler than an ant
The pathos in your eyes made sad my gaze
The other face, defended, has no grace
With it , you appear quite confident.
Yet you revealed to me your hidden face
I know so well the suffering of your days
A fear of tragic pasts feared imminent
The pathos in your eyes made sad my gaze
The mental torment heavy all your days.
Yet you must hide from men intolerant
You revealed the face within your face
Like martyrs, you were tortured and disgraced
You wandered feebly, lost, itinerant
The pathos in your eyes makes sad my days
If Love exists then would that not embrace
The lost, the lonely, even the vagrant?
You revealed the face within your face
The pathos in your eyes made me feel base

So then he stuck the needle in with glue

Orchid_2017-1My doctor is a merry fellow now
He is Hindhu so he can’t eat cow
I asked him if he likes to think
His eyes gave such a mighty blink
I still would like to ask him where and how.

His son has joined him  and they make a team
There  is a lady doctor to whom I have oft been
But I prefer a nature cure
And grass has such a great allure
The lawn tastes  wonderfully green

Soon  they will give me a jab for flu
They do not tell me what they plan to do
He crept behind me, seized my arm.
Fortunately ,I felt calm
So then he stuck the needle in with glue.

I try to go there only  if I’m dead
They can resurrect me from my bed
I find some doctors  can be kind
But sometimes  they affect my mind
And once it happened, so I stood and fled.