I see you but it is a film

I am here, in this air, walking through the bodies
Of the ghosts who still converse, read  the news and eat
I walk straight through  them, their life goes on
Am I a ghost or is it them?
And the two old ladies who lived here
The spaces between the particles
Inside the particles
Are where such ghosts may live
So close, yet so infinitely distant,
From the other people on  the earth
I see you but it is a film
It’s running backwards
So we might wave as we cross over
Or are we looking the other way?
Looping around we travel in this funfair of novel life
On the big dipper, we fly off  like freed  flowers
Embellishing the air with faint colour as we leave a trace behind

Merry New Day

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Dear all
Well at this rate, I’ll not be finished with this until next year so I am sending another instalment.The problem is, I have become intoxicated by musing on the difference between evocation and explanation.I do too much of the latter and not enough of the former.However, I apologise as I know you are not likely to care about such things.Well, that’s unkind of me to assume you are all intellectually  feeble, as it were.After all, you have all those children to worry about.
Unfortunately, I have not got grandchildren at Cambridge to boast about although my mother’s cousin was once the Head of Preston Technical College which is now part of a University.And my mother did go to a Secondary Grammar School which was hard to get into then as it was fee paying and only gave one scholarship a year.She was very bright
My one and only son has emigrated to Transylvania as Brexit made him ill.Or was it Australia? Anyway he emails me every week and I see his wife is very tanned so maybe they are in Sydney , after all.
I feel so disappointed as I wished him to be within easy reach.However, he does not feel the same way as I do
.An over-scrupulous, over-articulate, man-mad she-wolf was just one label he liked to repeat.But I still adore him.My daughter is more attuned to me and we speak on the phone every five years or so.She lives next door so at least I see her through the window.She must be ambivalent about me.
My intellectual knowledge is no help with such difficult problems.A pity my husband was always busy practising psychoanalysis and never had time for me.I did get into one of his books  under other names.”Difficult Doris” and ” Alice and the Paranoid-Wits-Sold position ” or something similar
When we used to enjoy sex, he never mentioned that position to me once.I would have been happy to do anything he fancied except speak to him.He said he wished I would call out his name instead of screaming like a cat having a nightmare.
I could not tell him I had forgotten his name and I was even unsure if he was the  same man I had married, but politeness restrained me.
After all, another man would have been pretty similar in his needs.So why bother asking for more information.He was earning a lot of money so that was ok.I had a mock fur coat and two real plastic handbags.And three pairs of odd shoes.
Well, I am afraid I have eaten  my bread and butter pudding so I must go and get some more.
I hope you have a great Jewish, Muslim,post-Christian and Atheistic New Year whenever it comes.I can’t remember all that anymore.Every day is new to me.


A solo ghost does time

I seem to live in two worlds at on time
In one the normal rites of marriage  carry on
This present me’s a  solo ghost confined.

As a ghost, I do not feel resigned.
I remember when I was the married one.
I seem to live in two worlds at one time

Now my man  is reading out my rhymes
We laugh and murmur till the dinner’s done
In the glass, I watch that ghost confined.

I wonder if there’s any tool designed
To take away the ghost that’s catching on
Do I live in two worlds but one time?

Can I persuade the ghost she should resign
For am I not the real, the only one?
In the glass, I see a ghost confined.

See how that married woman seeks to con.
She is not a person, she is dumb.
I long to live in two worlds at one time.
This present me’s a  soloist arraigned


The trinity of love is God  and also man

I heard your radio  playing Chopin then
I ‘d put it by your chair, the memory’s clear
I know  I will play Mozart, lovely one

I ache to feel your presence since you’ve gone
The string quintets float to my mind, love cures
I heard your radio  playing Chopin then

We were three but now I am just one
The conjoined part in death must disappear
I don’t know if I’ll  find my heart again

The trinity of love is God  and also man
If we trust then love will reappear
I will play the Mozart strings, what then?

Woman is  the  stranger, overcome
Before we love, we must attain desire
I don’t know if I’ll  find my soul again

We must lay in coal for inner fires
The spirit is eternal, God, Messiah.
I heard your radio  playing Chopin then
I will be by Mozart quintets won

Occam’s razor




William of Ockham, a Franciscan friar who studied logic in the 14th century, first made this principle well known.[1] In Latin it is sometimes called lex parsimoniae, or “the law of briefness”. William of Ockham supposedly (see below) wrote it in Latin as:

  • Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.[1]

This translates roughly as:

  • More things should not be used than are necessary.

This means that if there are several possible ways that something might have happened, the way that uses the fewest guesses is probably the right one. However, Occam’s razor only applies when the simple explanation and complex explanation both work equally well. If a more complex explanation does a better job than a simpler one, then you should use the complex one.

Occam’s razor is a principle, not an actual razor: the word ‘razor’ is a metaphor. Occam’s razor gets rid of unnecessary explanations just like a razor shaves off extra hair.[2] This description is a violation of Occam’s razor.”


Trump’s razor



“The problem with the Trump-is-actually-clever theory is that his outlandish statements and unfounded assertions don’t just harm America’s international image or divide its own population – they often do the most damage to Trump himself. The U.S. president has shot himself in the foot so regularly that it is only natural to assume he may not be the sharpest pencil in the box. He fired FBI Director James Comey, a move which Steve Bannon described as the worst presidential mistake ever, but then made things much worse for himself by admitting, contrary to the official line, that he did so because of the investigation of his ties to Russia. Trump made sure that even if Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t collect enough evidence on the alleged collusion, he would always be able to nail Trump on obstruction of justice. The same is true of Trump’s ham-handed effort to concoct a cover story for his son Donald’s hitherto unreported meeting with a Russian lawyer with close ties to the Kremlin, which fell apart within hours. Or the time he undermined administration efforts to claim that his Muslim ban was anything but by confirming that this is exactly what it was. And so on and so forth.
Intelligence is no guarantee of success, of course. Jimmy Carter had an IQ of 176, but most Americans consider him to be the worst U.S. president in modern times. Trump came to the White House with less useful or general knowledge than his predecessors, but his uniqueness lies with the fact that he seems uninterested in learning. He disdains the mainstream media, doesn’t trust his intelligence briefings and seems to rely on Fox News and even loonier right-wing news sites for his basic information about the world. He has admitted that he often makes decisions without knowing the facts, not a trait usually associated with the astute.
Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo wrote an article about Trump’s suspected dimness, which spawned the term “Trump’s Razor” after “Occam’s Razor,” of which Netanyahu is fond. Whereas Occam’s Razor stipulates that where there are several possible explanations for something, the simplest one is usually correct, Trump’s Razor says that where there are several possible explanations for something Trump has said or done, the stupidest is always the right one. But even if we assume that Trump is far from stupid, and definitely not a “moron,” most people would agree that both his election and his presidency are an insult to America’s intelligence, as well as the world’s.


read more: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.815879


Love and friendship by Emily Bronte



Love and Friendship

Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree—
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He still may leave thy garland green

How do you stay happy ?

